AI MusicCon

 AI MusicCon bei SoundTrack_Cologne 21

AI MusicCon bei SoundTrack_Cologne 21

Musikleben und Künstliche Intelligenz · Freitag, 05. Juli 2024

Die Herausforderungen, aber auch die Chancen, die Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen bietet, sind DAS Thema des Jahres. SoundTrack_Cologne bietet daher in Kooperation mit dem Landesmusikrat NRW mit der AI MusicCon erstmals eine eigene Sektion mit 16 Einzelveranstaltungen zu KI und Musik.

Die AI MusicCon kann im Rahmen der Festivalakkreditierung von SoundTrack_Cologne oder mit einem 10 Euro Ticket getrennt besucht werden.

Ziel der AI MusicCon ist es, Einstiegshürden zu beseitigen, sinnvolle Anwendungsbereiche, kommende Entwicklungen, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen aufzuzeigen - aber auch ein Stück weit mit Mythen aufzuräumen und die Diskussion zu versachlichen.

Hands-on-Workshops zu praktischen Aspekten von KI-Tools im Musikleben, sowohl für diejenigen, die noch nie mit KI gearbeitet haben, als auch für diejenigen, die schon mehr Erfahrung damit haben, sowie Diskussionen und Vorträge zu ethischen und rechtlichen Aspekten dieser Technologien ergänzen das Programm.

Zu den Vortragsthemen gehören u.a.: Rechtssichere Nutzung von KI (Dr. Kerstin Bäcker, Lausen Rechtsanwälte). Kann KI Avantgarde? (Prof. Ludger Brümmer, ZKM Karlsruhe). KI, Kreativität und Ethik (Prof. Dr. Jörg Kopecz, FOM Bonn). KI und pädagogisch-kreative Angebote an Musikschulen (Thomas Hanz, Landesverband der Musikschulen NRW).

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AI MusicCon Programm

AI MusicCon
10:30-11:30 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA Lecture Performance: Designing the future of AI In cooperation with Landesmusikrat NRW Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
12:00-12:30 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA KI und Musikrechte in der Praxis Vortrag und Dialog Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
12:30-13:00 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA Rechtssichere Nutzung von KI in der Musik Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
14:30-15:00 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA Kann KI Avant Garde? Zur hörbaren Eigenschaft von (KI) Werkzeugen beim musikalischen Gestalten Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
15:15-15:45 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA Lecture AI Music Composition on Premise Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
16:00-16:30 · DIE EINS • COMEDIA Aktuelle KI Tools aus der Industrie Mit André Schnoor, Cognitone Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
Networking Event
10:00-10:30 · DIE ZWEI • COMEDIA Speedmatching Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
AI MusicCon
12:00-13:00 · DIE ZWEI • COMEDIA Mein erster Song mit KI Mit Yevgeni Birkhoff Add to your calendar: Google Outlook
13:00-14:30 · Lunch Break
Dr. Kerstin Bäcker

Dr. Kerstin Bäcker has worked as an attorney at Lausen Rechtsanwälte since 2001 and has been a partner in their Cologne office since 2004. Her clients include traditional education companies, publishers and cultural institutions.

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Dr. Kerstin Bäcker

Attorney, Lecturer

Yevgeni Birkhoff

Y. Birkhoff works as a composer and sound designer. He creates music for media and international event productions. He is also a keynote speaker and an expert on AI-powered audio and music tools, sharing his insights at various industry events.

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Yevgeni Birkhoff

Composer, Sound Designer

Michael P. Aust

Michael P. Aust, the head of SoundTrack_Cologne and SoundTrack_Zurich, is a German curator, organiser of cultural events and film producer.

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Michael P. Aust

Festivaldirector SoundTrack_Cologne and Producer TelevisorTroika GmbH

Prof. Lüdger Brümmer

Prof. Ludger Brümmer works in the field of algorithmic experimental composition, is Professor of Composition with Digital Media in Trossingen and has been Director of the Institute for Music and Acoustics / Hertz-Lab at the ZKM Karlsruhe since 2003.

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Prof. Lüdger Brümmer

Composer, Head of Institut für Musik und Akustik / Hertz-Lab am ZKM Karlsruhe

Hayat Chaoui

Hayat Chaoui is a singer, singing teacher, author and head of the singing department at the Bergische Musikschule Wuppertal. Her intercultural women's choir "WoW - Women of Wuppertal" has received several awards.

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Hayat Chaoui

Singer, Author

Prof. Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards is a composer, improvisor, software developer, and since 2017 Professor of Electronic Composition at ICEM, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen.

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Prof. Michael Edwards

Composer, Improvisor, Software Developer

Florian Gardin

Florian Gardin is a data scientist and software engineer with over a decade of experience.

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Florian Gardin

Data Scientist, Software Engineer

Thomas Hanz

Thomas Hanz ist Referent für Digitalisierung beim Landesverband der Musikschulen in NRW und Leiter des Netzwerks

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Thomas Hanz

Leiter des Netzwerks

Felix Herrmann

Felix Herrmann is a Digitalization Expert and IT-Project Manager.

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Felix Herrmann

Digitalization Expert, IT-Project Manager

Matthias Hornschuh

Matthias Hornschuh lives and works as a media composer in Cologne. Hornschuh represents authors and artists as spokesman for the umbrella organization Initiative Urheberrecht and on the board of GEMA.

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Matthias Hornschuh


Janina Klabes

Janina Klabes has been a presenter of live events with a focus on business, culture and politics for over 10 years. She studied music business (B.A.) at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, where she also found her band MBWTEYP.

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Janina Klabes

Live Event Presenter

Dr. Anselm Kreuzer

Dr. Anselm Kreuzer is a proven specialist for TV title music, station IDs, soundtracks for series and TV drama as well as music for new media and advertising. He sets soundtracks for series like "In aller Freundschaft" and "Rosenheim-Cops".

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Dr. Anselm Kreuzer


Alissa Krusch

Alissa is committed to the transformation of cultural institutions. As an expert in digitality, she accompanies the State Music Council of North Rhine-Westphalia in its main focus topic of 2022-24.

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Alissa Krusch

Managerin Digitale Transformation

Andre Schnoor

Andre has a long history of supporting creative people with tools and platforms. After building VR-based social networks even before the Internet was a thing, he founded a music promotion platform used by tens of thousands of artists and musicians.

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Andre Schnoor

AI Expert

Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert

Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert is a musicologist, head of the archive of the Beethoven-Haus Bonn and the publishing house of the Beethoven-Haus.

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Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert


Marju Sokman

Marju Sokman is an AI-curious marketing expert and founder of Bespoke Marketing. With a keen focus on how AI is reshaping marketing and communication, Marju shares her expertise as a lecturer and consultant.

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Marju Sokman

Marketing & Communications Expert

Prof. Dr. Francisco Tigre-Moura

Prof. Dr. Francisco Tigre Moura is a professor of marketing at IU University of Applied Sciences (Bad Honnef, Germany).

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Prof. Dr. Francisco Tigre-Moura

Academic, Researcher

Mehdi Zatar

Mehdi Zatar is the CEO & co-founder of MusicLang, who are currently developing a composition co-pilot for building the next generation of music apps.

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Mehdi Zatar

CEO & Co-Founder MusicLang