SEE THE SOUND, the film festival of SoundTrack_Cologne, invites all film makers, producers and distributors to submit films with a focus on music.

Films and music videos whose production was completed after January 1, 2023, and/or premiered after January 1, 2023 are eligible for submission. There are no restrictions regarding the country of production. Films may be formatted as BluRay (preferred), DCP, or DVD, music videos as Quicktime movies. Preview copies are preferred as online screeners!

In addition, the prize for the Best Music Documentary will be awarded at SEE THE SOUND for the eleventh time. The prize winner will receive 2,500 euros.

Submission deadline was April 08, 2024, 10:00am CEST.

Regulations SEE THE SOUND – The film programme of SoundTrack_Cologne 22:

1. General Conditions
For the film programme SEE THE SOUND at SoundTrack_Cologne music documentaries, artistic films about music and musicians, short films with a focus on music and music videos can be submitted.

2. Organiser and Date
SoundTrack_Cologne is held by Televisor Troika GmbH. The festival will take place from July 08 - 13, 2025 in Cologne / Germany.

3. Entry Requirements
a) The application deadlines are:

Early submissions go until March 18, 2025 at 10:00AM CEST.
Late submissions close on April 08, 2025 at 10:00AM CEST.

b) Each entry requires a completed and signed entry form and preview tape. Use a separate entry form for each film.
c) The films must be at least 60 minutes long (except short films and music videos).
d) All films whose production was completed after January 1st, 2024 or which had their premiere after January 1st, 2024 are eligible for submission. These conditions are subject to change by the organiser.
e) The presentation on other festivals or a DVD release is no criterion for exclusion, but German premieres are preferred. There are no limitations regarding the country of production.
f) Works cannot be withdrawn after submission.

4. Preview Copy / Entries
a) The preferred option is entering the preview copy digitally via online link, preferably with the option to download the file. There is a field in the application form to fill in the URL. Please make sure that download and/or viewing link remain active till at least July 12th, 2025 and any required password is not changed. Additionally we ask you to provide an access to the preview copy that does not require further registration. If applying via link the signed application form is to be sent digitally to
b) If the original language of the film is neither German nor English, subtitles in one of those languages are necessary. In the absence of subtitles a film script in German or English must be enclosed during the selection process. If the film is selected, the screening print has to have English or German subtitles.
c) Preview material will remain in the festival archive.

5. Selection
The selection committee will view the preview copies that reach the festival office by April 08, 2025, 10:00am CEST. All entrants will be notified of the selection results in time. The results will be sent by E-mail only. Please send your submission as soon as possible and do not wait until close to the deadline. This will support the selection process. Thank you.

6. Screening Print / Accepted Film Formats
The screening print, only requested after the selection process, can be one of the following formats: DCP, DVD, BluRay-Disc and digital file (e.g. high quality prores). The video format has to be PAL only (no NTSC, SECAM or similar). If the original language of the film is neither German nor English, subtitles in one of those languages are required.

7. Postage
Costs for submitting materials, viewing copy and/or screening copy are to be paid by the submitter (Submissions with insufficient postage will not be accepted). Return expenses for the screening-print will be covered by the festival. Submitted viewing copies (DVD-screeners) will not be returned!

Submissions from abroad must read in German: “Nur für kulturelle Zwecke – keine kommerzielle Nutzung. Empfänger ist Selbstverzoller“ (For cultural purpose only, no commercial value –  Independent Custome Clearance by the recipient). Submitted viewing copies (only DVD screeners!) from non EU-member states must be accompanied by a „pro forma invoice“ stating a value of max. 20 US$. In the event of accruing custom fees such fees shall be charged to the submitter.

Shipping address:
c/o Televisor Troika GmbH
Hirschgaesschen 2a
D-50678 Köln

8. Further Remarks
Screening prints will be insured during the festival time at their print value. Any claims for replacement due to damage are to be submitted not later than 10 days after the festival.

9. Declaration of Agreement
With their signature, the participants and rights holders in the submitted work declare their consent to participation in the festival and their agreement to the rules and regulations in the version here present. The German version of these rules and regulations is binding. There is no right of appeal. All matters in doubt will be decided by the festival management according to international conventions.

10. Submission Fee
Due to rising numbers in submissions the festival raises submission fees to cover administrative costs as follows. The fees are related to the film length:

Early Bird Deadline: Short films 15.00 Euros, feature films 25.00 Euros
Late Deadline: Short films 30.00 Euros, feature films 40.00 Euros

The festival grants no refunds. Prices only apply for the festival’s own submission service. Submission prices via other platforms may differ.

11. Online form
Please fill in all mandatory fields truthfully and completely. Wrong details or entries like “blank blank blank”, “Please request this at …”, links to websites or similar entries will automatically lead to a disqualification of the submission!

12. The entry form is to be printed, signed and sent to

Your submission can NOT be considered without the signed entry form!