Navigating the Sync Market

Navigating the Sync Market at SoundTrack_Cologne 20

Navigating the Sync Market at SoundTrack_Cologne 20

What perspectives exist for my track in the sync market? How do music supervisors and music consultants work? How can AI support the selection of music? These questions are in the spotlight of the Reality Check Sync module of SoundTrack_Cologne.

In the two Track Check sessions on Wednesday, June 21, participants will have the chance to present their music to a group of experts and to know how good their tracks will work as trailer music or for TV underscore. Music consultants will evaluate submitted songs and will give the authors their direct feedback. On Thursday six music consultants from four countries will be interviewed on stage and give valuable insights into their work.

A panel with Thomas Theune (GEMA), Dr. Tilo Gerlach (GVL), Doreen Damm (ZDF) and Dagmar Schwengler (BMG) discusses the new possibilities for the German online TV market made possible by the new German Senderprivileg (channel privilege).

Game changer or just another tool - music consulting with the help of AI will be in the focus of a talk with sync veterans Corinna Poeszus (Freque) and Milena Fessmann.

Submit your track!

If you want to participate with a track in the Track Check, please click the button above and fill out the form.

Sync Events

Wednesday 21 June
@ Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Helmut Coing Saal

10:00 – 11:30
Musikvielfalt für Online-TV – das neue Senderprivileg (panel in German)
Thomas Theune (GEMA), Dr. Tilo Gerlach (GVL), Doreen Damm (ZDF) and Dagmar Schwengler (BMG) 

14:30 – 15:30
Track Check – Trailer Music
Martin Häne, Mara Deuschle and Marie-Hélène Froidevaux

16:00 – 17:00
Track Check – TV Underscore
Andrea Lässig, Andreas Suttner, Mara Deuschle, Martin Häne and Marie-Hélène Froidevaux

Thursday 22 June
@ Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Robert Ellscheid Saal

10:30 – 11:30
Reality Check – Sync · Music Supervisor · Talk 1
Andrea Lässig, Andreas Suttner (BR) and Mara Deuschle (APL Publishing)

12:00 – 13:00
Reality Check – Sync · Music Supervisor · Talk 2
Andreas Vierziger and Milena Fessmann

14:30 – 15:30
Reality Check – Sync · Music Supervisor · Talk 3
Marie-Hélène Froidevaux

16:00 – 17:00
Reality Check – Sync · AI in Music Consulting
Corinna Poeszus (Freque) and Milena Fessmann

Submit your track!