Before you can log in, you have to confirm your e-mail address. Make sure you have a valid e-mail address. The confirmation email could also be in your spam folder. If you can not log in despite confirming your e-mail address, try to use your last name as the username instead of your e-mail address (initial letter in capital).
Yes, your film must have a maximum length of 15 minutes, including credits.
Yes, we accepts re-scored films if they fulfil our conditions of participation. You have to be in hold of all rights of the film.
Yes, your film will be eligible for submission with re-interpreted soundtracks.
No, unfortunately we do not accept soundtracks without image.
Yes, you can submit as many films as you want.
Only short films whose production was completed after January 1st, 2018, or which had their premiere after January 1st, 2018, are eligible for submission.
Yes, in general you are free to submit VR films, but if it would be chosen for the short list, we can only show it in a standard way with beamer or on an LED screen.
Nothing, the submission is free.