STC21 Announces Nominees for the

STC21 Announces Nominees for the

Eighteen composers and sound designers from twelve teams are nominated for the EUROPEAN TALENT AWARD. The winners will be announced at the festive awards ceremony on July 5th at the COMEDIA Theater.

The EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION offers a platform especially for young talents.

The participants had the task to either compose the film music or to create the sound design for the short film "Balcony Cacophony" (directed by Quentin Haberham) or to re-score the film in a team of composer and sound designer.

The nominees (in alphabetical order):
Lucas Barreau (Sound design), Camille Borrelly (Score), Janrinke Bruinsma (Score, Sound design), Hernan Castro Fioravanti (Score), Federico Damborsky (Sound design), Guillaume Demore (Score), Therence Guillerme (Score), Marlene Jacobs (Score), Florian Simon Krefting (Score, Sound design), Benjamin Alan Kubaczek (Score), Agathe Lavarel (Score), Stefano Marrone (Sound design), Eugenio Pitolli (Sound design), Matteo Tarragoni (Sound design), Peter Toth (Score, Sound design), Nicolas Vön Moreau (Sound design), Niels N. Winter (Score), Jenny Winter (Sound design).

The Competition Screening will take place on Friday, July 5th at 10:30 at ODEON Cinema. To buy the tickets for the screening, click here.

The nominees and their new scores for "Balcony Cacophony" will be presented to audience and jury under the moderation by Yati Durant.

The winner of the WDR FILMSCORE AWARD will have the opportunity to record an original composition of 7 – 9 minutes length with the WDR Funkhausorchester – for many young composers this could be their first opportunity to record with a large orchestra and begin filling out their film-scoring calling card.
The winner for the best SOUND DESIGN will receive a 5.1 cinematic mix down in the prestigious sound mixing studio Chaussee SoundVision GmbH.

Here you can find more information about our nominees and the jury members.

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